The history of Micro-Lite is associated with a unique mineral deposit located near Buffalo in southeast Kansas. This mineral, known as Magesium-Mica, found its way to the surface of the earth by an ancient volcano that did not fully erupt. The molten magma hardened just below the surface and became the deposit we mine today. The present mine site was first discovered in 1877 by silver prospectors on their way West. Word spread and soon many others arrived and set up a mining camp and called it "Silver City". To this day the earth dome pushed up by the eruption is known as the Silver City Dome.
During the 195O's, local residents would use the "sand" in their gardens or as a livestock "lick". It was common knowledge that cattle would lick the ground where the deposit is located due to its highly palatable nature. In 1961, Micro-Lite was formed to explore possible uses for the product. Tests were conducted to see whether the material could be used as: a soil additive/conditioner, a mineral source for animal feed, a livestock feed pellet binder, a free flow/anti-caking agent, or in industrial applications. Research by several universities and many major feed manufacturers determined the best market for the product was in livestock and wildlife feed production as a mineral supplement, pelleting aid/binder, nutritional filler, carrier in mineral pre-mixes, and free flow/anti-caking assistance.
By 1981, Micro-Lite became an established supplier to the feed industry. In 1985, the product name was changed to "Magnesium-Mica" from vermiculite in order to more closely reflect the true nature of the product. In 2015, we consolidated our office and bulk-bag plant operation into our Buffalo location allowing us to better serve our customers' needs. We continue to improve our service and supply the only source of Magnesium-Mica in the United States.
Micro-Lite is more than the history of a unique deposit. We are a small company in rural Kansas working to provide a high quality product to our many valued partners. Our unified goal is to improve the quality of your livestock feed at an affordable price.
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